김자현 추모예배 > 1962년 졸업

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김자현 추모예배

페이지 정보

김종순 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 () 작성일2011-02-24 21:18 조회1,471회 댓글507건


뉴욕거주 함영희로 부터 이메일로 자현이 추모예배 안내를 받았습니다.

4월 8일 오후 2시부터 4시까지 컬럼비아 대학교내 St. Paul's Chapel에서 행해진답니다.
많은 친구들이 함께 그의 명복을 빌어주기 바랍니다.

아래는 이메일 전문입니다.

Ja Hyun Kim Haboush's memorial service will be on April 8th, 2:00 - 4:00 pm, EST at St. Paul's Chapel in Columbia University. Hope lots of friend will join in meditation for her Peace.

She had a great life. She achieved her dream to be a scholar, a teacher and a writer. And she was great on all these areas. She lived fully, inspite of her long battle with cancer, she taught full time until the last semester and she was writing another book (not finished yet). And she enjoyed Life. Every chance she had, she traveled, enjoyed concert, opera, movies and museums & art exhibitons. And all the dinners and conversations she shared with her loved ones and friends. She was a irreplacable wife and companion to her husband, Bill. A loving daughter, sister and an incomparable friend.

Above all, she had Elegance and Grace.
She loved and is being loved.
She is being missed dearly.


등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

1962년 졸업 목록

Total 499건 1 페이지
1962년 졸업 목록
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